Where a Noob can be a Noob


This morning, burgly created a new place called Noob’s World CTF.Β It’s actually really fun! You can team kill, you can spawn kill, you can be a noob! πŸ˜€ If you’re ever bored, feel like capturing a flag, or like being a noob, this is the place for you! πŸ™‚


16 Responses to Where a Noob can be a Noob

  1. burgly says:

    I know it isn’t really valid to review something of my own making, but I will do my best not to just give it a 10 for no reason besides for the fact its about my place. What I like about the place, is that noobs can do what they want here, as they have usuall been endured by strict rules. What I don’t like:Is that it is empty, with not much in it as of this moment.

  2. robloxcop2 says:

    who would want to be a noob burgly?

  3. Nicholas544 says:

    robloxcop you better get your act together i call you a noob for calling burgly a noob its just a little Unofficail Newspaper(no offense)

  4. kanaju says:

    robloxcop2, bugly is certainly not a noob. I think it’s a good idea. πŸ˜€ It’s fun when I get bored. πŸ™‚

  5. zst123 says:

    What if super noobs reporrt for SKing/TKing?

  6. kanaju says:

    Good question, you should ask burgly. πŸ™‚

  7. Nicholas544 says:

    one of my places should be here

  8. dx2 says:

    who would want to be a noob except noobs

  9. Miked says:

    BLAH DUMM PLACE Required! PMs! I like bucket!

  10. Tash says:

    Sounds sorta fun…

  11. Tash says:

    πŸ™‚ Likes cool! πŸ™‚

  12. samguy40 says:


  13. erikrules says:

    well yea thats all noobs need LOL!!!


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