Noishy Inc. Hates C.C.C. Inc. :O

Earlier today it was discovered during the re-construction of C.C.C. Inc. Studios that there is a model in the toolbox named “I HATE C.C.C.. Inc!!! -Noishy Inc”. An investigation has gone underway to find out why this model was created. So far I’m not too worried as I’m sure the makerhas a logical explanation for this.


8 Responses to Noishy Inc. Hates C.C.C. Inc. :O

  1. Dack says:

    Oh god. I can have someone wipe that account out, if you would like. and have you read what that model says? I will talk to this guy.

  2. stephentiger1 says:

    The person who created this was noisha.She made the model just to say that they hate this site.I like this site =)

  3. StudioARE-Are92 says:

    thats how it is to be famous and populary , ppl will hate you for no reason or just b/c they want to be you.

  4. Kazzie says:

    Hmm, maybe there planning a sabotose of this site, nah only joking, I think that someone should talk to him/her and ask her why, maybe sort things out.

  5. zeika6 says:

    whats a c.c.c and a noishy inc.???

  6. babynans says:

    kool i dont even kno what c.c.c is but it sounds kinda lamebraine if u kno what i mean well this has been a report from babynana

    and my name is not nana its proununced naynay if ur wondering


  7. crazybobo44 says:

    ya noisa made the model i checked

  8. lavamario says:

    noisa is a noob that is a boob she acts like a shroob lol

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