Roblox 2D!

March 12, 2008


For the first time ever Rooblox has become a 2D game! :O C.C.C. Inc. is currently working on the Roblox 2D! game series. It’s avaible at the Mos Eisley Game Store (Shown below) for only 20 tix or 10 R$.


You need to own this shirt in order to get it from the store. so far it’s only a beta demo, but it’s currently being worked on. 😀


A New Addition!

March 8, 2008


Today I decided to add Briguy’s ROBLOX to the blogroll! 😀 We’ve been on his blogroll so it’s only fair if he’s on ours. 🙂


Most Popular Person!

March 8, 2008


It was reported on March 6th that Are92 now has more place visits that Miked! :O As of this post Are92 has 311,240 place visits while Miked has 311,157 place visits. 😀 It’s closse so Are92 might lose his title soon, only to regain it again. It’s only a matter of time before we know who’s really the most popular!


5K Day!!!!!!!!! :D

March 8, 2008

That’s right! We’ve had over 5,000 visits to this site! 😀 One small step for man, one big leap for mankind! 😛


Fireguy650- An Interview by Fellowfromthenorth

March 6, 2008


Fellowfromthenorth was lucky enough to get an interview with Fireguy650. I’m posting this late because I’ve been eral busy lately. Sorry.


Fellow: Well thanks for letting me interview you 🙂
question one: When did you start palying roblox?

Fireguy650: I started playing on June 29 2007

Fellow: Who is your best friend?

Fireguy650: My best friend is Fluffy2007

Fellow: Whos your hero?

Fireguy650: My hero would be Telamon

Fellow: What is your fave. weapon

Fireguy650: My favorite weapon would be the Rocket Launcher

Fellow: Which map was your most popular map?

Fireguy650: My most populer map would be “Flying Cops and Robbers!”

Fellow: Did you enjoy been interview?

Fireguy650: Well, I have been interviewed before… Waste time…
I guess i like being interviewed.

 Thanks Fellowfromthenorth for that great interview! 😀 And thank you for reading ad supporting this site!


Out With The Old, In With The New!

February 28, 2008


The old Roblox Visor was sooooooooo 2007. It’s been replaced by a new blue 2008 visor! 😀 It’s new, it’s hip, it’s cool, it’s now! It’s available for only 8 tickets just like the old one. There’s also a new gift that’s stirring up some discussion. The Bluesteel Gift of Long Years appeared in the catalog’s “Recently Updated” section this afternoon. A picture of it is shown below.


It’s not yet known how to obtain this gift, but I’m sure it’ll be given out soon. 🙂


Search for the City Contest

February 18, 2008


 C.C.C. Inc. was destroyed by the flood a century ago. It’s being rebuilt on another account right now and YOU might have a chance to see it! 😀 Just message me(Kanaju) the code found after a series of clues to win!

The first 5 people to send me a message with the correct code will gain access to the city. The first person however will also recieve 500 R$.*

 Here’s the clue to which place to search first-

A classic made new.

Happy Hunting!


*R$ for Builder’s Club Members only! 😦

Contest Results!

February 4, 2008

     Yesterday the winners of the Builderman’s Place Design Contest were annouced! 😀 Here are the top ten people you voted for. The list is in alphabetical order.


Briguy9876                  Rocks25

 Flamer6777                  SaladDog

             Ganwish                        Stickmasterluke

  JoshJosh117                Twila27     

        Koopa                           Weaselman50

     These winners will be awarded 3000 ROBUX each as well as have there place idea built and installed on Builderman’s account.

     Everyone who submitted an entry will recieve a Lightbulb for their bright ideas! However there were a few entries that came pretty close. These honorable mentions will each recieve 200 ROBUX. The list is in aphabetical order,






















Thank for participating and thanks for reading!



Time to Vote!

January 30, 2008


That’s right! Yesterday it was annouced in The Roblox Developer’s Journal that the voting site for Builderman’s Place Design Contest is up! Now it’s up to you to decide who’s design will be turned into one of Builderman’s places! 😀 Voting will end at 4:00 PM Pacific Time on Friday, Feburary 1st. Here’s the link to the site. Happy voting and thanks for reading.


EDITOR’S NOTE: I’m also really sorry this was late. I’ve been super busy latey. 😦

Builderman’s Place Design Contest

January 23, 2008


That’s right! Builderman needs some new places, and it’s up to YOU to build them. 😀 Simply sketch, draw, paint, or create on the computer what you want his place to look like. If your design’s voted one of the top 10 then it’ll be built a pro-builder and used as one of Builderman’s places! 🙂 Entries will be accepted until 9 a.m. Pacific time on Monday, January 28! One entry per user. For official details please see Official Contest Rules. Thanks!


EDITOR’S NOTE: Sory this is late guys, I haven’t had much free time the past few days.